When it comes to insurance for your exotic car and antique automobiles in areas like Darien and Ridgefield, there can be questions that arise. In this article you can find information about what types of vehicles may be eligible, what policy conditions or requirements may need to be followed, and some other considerations you may want to keep in mind when looking for insurance as unique as your ride.
In car culture, there are various ways to describe and categorize your ride. Some individuals describe their vehicles as one thing, while others may call it something different. No matter the category your ride may fall under, if your vehicle fits one of these descriptions you should contact us to see what coverage options may be available.
While insurance for your high-value automobile can be similar to regular auto insurance in many respects, there may be additional coverage options available to you. The team at Cross Private Client Insurance would be happy to speak with you about your insurance coverage options for your high-end vehicle.
There are several additional coverage options offered when searching for automobile insurance for your classic, collectible or exotic vehicles. These may include agreed value, tiered mileage plans, spare parts coverage, worldwide coverage, multiline discounts, and auto show medical. Below we will detail each coverage and what they consist of.
Your prized ride is not just a machine, it is something that holds both monetary and sentimental value to you. Cross Private Client can help you explore your options when it comes to automobile insurance. To find out more, contact your local Cross Private Client Insurance today.
There are various conditions that may be required by insurance carriers for your vehicle to be considered for elevated automobile coverage. Some of the typical carrier requirements include (but are not necessarily limited to):
If you put your prized automobile into storage for part of the year, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should put a pause on your policy. Even if your high value car is stored safely away, there is always the possibility of an unfortunate event such as fire, theft, or an “act of God” occurring. Taking your coverage off your ride can leave you vulnerable, and there is sometimes a misconception that your homeowner’s policy will cover a vehicle stored in your garage. In fact, homeowner’s insurance typically will exclude coverage for motorized vehicles meant for the road.
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A boutique personal insurance agency that focuses exclusively on customized risk management solutions for successful individuals and families.